TECH Solutions Heater Rebate

There’s no question about the benefits of renewable energy. It provides cleaner air, protects wildlife habitats, and helps establish a healthy planet. The problem is that renewable energy adoption and use are pretty low. The more non-renewable energy sources are in use, the worse it is for the environment. For instance, the use of gas-based heating technologies in homes is constantly contributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

As bad as this is, there isn’t a magical switch to stop it from happening. For one, low-emission and energy-efficient appliances like heat pumps are expensive. This limits the technologies to the few who can afford them. However, the following might solve the entire problem at scale. To strike a balance, governments have come up with an initiative dubbed the Energy Solutions TECH Incentives Program.

The Energy Solutions TECH Incentives Program

The Energy Solutions TECH Incentives program is designed to make it easier for customers to enjoy the benefits of new, energy-efficient technology by offering them rebates on qualifying heating and cooling equipment and water heaters. It is a win-win situation where homeowners receive efficient appliances and at the same play a part in reducing GHG emissions.

California is on a mission to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, and switching to low-emission technologies will play a big part in getting there. The $120 million initiative was launched on December 7, 2021, and it is currently being rolled out in the state. It was developed as part of California Senate Bill 1477 and is funded by California gas corporation ratepayers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

Who is Qualified for the TECH Incentives Program?

The state is aiming to have the majority switch to these low-emission space and water heating technologies. However, the amount of money set aside can only cater to a certain number of homes. Therefore, low-income earners are to receive the rebates. But then again, financial position is not the only requirement. Projects that fall within gas Investor-Owned Utility (IOU) service territory are also qualified.

Gas IOUs within California include:

  • Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
  • Southern California Gas (SoCal Gas)
  • San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)
  • Southwest Gas (SW Gas)

TECH Clean California incentive eligibility is determined solely by the project site’s zip code. There are specified areas like Long Beach, Catalina Island, and Palo Alto that are being left out of the program regardless of whether they are within eligible project territories.

Qualifying Products in the Program

Heat Pumps are the primary targets in this energy solutions program, and for good reason. GHG emissions in California are high since most homes use gas heat pumps. The newer heat pumps, which are electric and modernized, will help reduce GHG emissions in California. The following are the qualifying heat pumps in this case:

  • Unitary Heat Pump Water Heaters (Single-Family and Multifamily)
  • Unitary Package Pump (Single-Family and Multifamily)
  • Unitary Split Heat Pump (Single-Family and Multifamily)
  • Mini-Split and Multi-Split Heat Pump (Single-Family and Multifamily)
  • Central HPWH (Multifamily Only)
  • Package Terminal Heat Pump (Multifamily Only)
  • Single Package Vertical Heat Pump (Multifamily Only)

Why You Should Consider the Switch

The Energy Solutions TECH Incentives Program represents a promising step towards the adoption of clean energy in the U.S. By taking advantage of these perks, you can help reduce the carbon footprint, build consensus within the community, and lower your energy bills.

The Energy Solutions TECH program was started to help businesses, non-profit organizations, public and private entities, and institutions in California save money and energy by investing in qualified clean energy technologies.

As the program expands to include more homes and products in California, more incentives will be unlocked. Energy Solutions hopes to continue building on this program in the coming years—and it could revolutionize sustainability in California.

Ready To Get Started?

All qualifying and eligible homes can sign up for the program quickly with the help of certified participating contractors. Here at Anthem Air, we are glad to be taking part in the rollout of the rebate program. We fully endorse the program for the countless benefits it has for the community. If you are interested and not sure where to start, contact us for help, and we will walk with you every step of the way.

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