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Air Conditioning

How to Make Your AC More Efficient

The summer months can be unforgiving and brutally hot, especially if you live in the Coachella Valley area! You don’t want to ask why your
Air Conditioning

How Often Should I Replace My Filters?

We are often asked why the AC is blowing warm air. Many homeowners are troubled about their HVAC system not cooling evenly across rooms. There
Air Conditioning

How to Select a Reputable AC Repair Company

Even though your air conditioning system should last for many years, certain things may go wrong during its lifetime. Luckily, proper maintenance by a reputable
Air Conditioning

3 Signs to Know You Are Low on Freon

Several processes occur for the air conditioning system to cool or heat your house. For a successful cycle, many components are required to function correctly.

Why is my AC blowing warm air?
Air Conditioning

Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing Warm Air?

Your AC blowing warm air on a hot summer afternoon is one of the most common air conditioning challenges. It happens at the most unexpected

HVAC Lifetime Warranty
Air Conditioning

What to Know About an HVAC “Lifetime” Warranty

Many companies are now offering lifetime warranty’s on replacement HVAC equipment. This warranty may be enticing, but buyer beware. The companies that created this campaign

Attic Thermal Insulation
Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning to Heat & Cool Efficiently

As much as half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling. So making smart decisions about your home’s heating, ventilating,

Energy Efficiency

What is Energy Efficiency?

Energy efficiency means using less energy to perform the same function. Appliances and machines are energy-efficient when they use less electricity, water, or gas to

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